Results: 2023 GNST Management Committee General Election
Guru Pyari Saadh Sangat Ji:
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Today was an historic day for our Gurughar. With your support, cooperation, and Waheguru’s blessings, the new management committee was elected for the 2023-25 term unopposed. The proposed amendments to Bylaws also passed with overwhelming support.
You can be assured that management will continue to remain in the capable hands of sewadaars dedicated to progress and peace of our gurughar with particular focus on completing the new building project.
Outgoing committee is thankful from bottom of our hearts for the opportunity to serve the needs of our gurughar. With many accomplishments in the last two years, we will continue to be available for sewa as per wishes of new committee and Sangat.